Monday, 12 June 2017

UK Heating oil price trends now on Amazon Alexa devices

We've now got an Amazon Alexa skill where you can get the latest UK heating oil price trend (especially in Northern Ireland) from your Alexa device (e.g. Amazon Echo or Echo Dot)

and then all you have to do is say:

"Alexa, Launch Cheapest Oil" for an update.

You can also ask for the average price of heating oil for any day, month, season or year since 2008! For example,
"Alexa, Ask Cheapest Oil what was the price of heating oil on December 1st"
"Alexa, Ask Cheapest Oil what was the price of heating oil in 2009"
"Alexa, Ask Cheapest Oil what is the price of 500 litres"

Of course, if you don't have an Alexa device, you can always get the latest price graphs here: